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100 Best Places to Retire for 2012

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Topretirements eNewsletter           
 February 22, 2012

In This Issue...

  • The 2012 List: 100 Best Places to Retire
  • Palm Coast, Florida
  • It's Your Turn: Where Are You Going to Retire?
  • Ashland, Oregon

  • This week's newsletter is devoted to the 100 Best Places to Retire. The 2012 list is always interesting.  You will also discover 2 towns that could easily qualify to be on the list. And most importantly, there's a short homework assignment - tell us where you think is the best place to retire.
    Today's Newsletter Sponsored by Lake Weir Living®   (Advertisement)
    When you retire -- it doesn't mean a rocking chair or golf for some, says Director of MIT's The Age Lab. Bob Dylan Boomers were raised on rock & roll. They ride hot-rods and Harleys. Lake Weir Living (8 miles to The Villages) embraces this rock & roll lifestyle! For FREE Brochure. 
    Our 2012 list of the 100 most popular places to retire is in. Once again the Sunbelt dominates - 75 of the 100 are from warmer climes. Here are the towns and cities your fellow members think are the most alluring as retirement destinations; their respective reviews will help explain why.
    Our 100 most popular retirement towns list has one drawback - because it is based on popularity, it rarely uncovers any surprise picks. But the truth is there are dozens of not so familiar great places that will never make the list. Palm Coast, which is on the north Atlantic side, is one of those unheralded great places to retire. It's big, has great beaches and bays, and it's also quite inexpensive.
    Click on a state to see reviews of 815 great retirement towns, plus capsule summaries of 1,648 active adult communities.
    Think of it as your subscription payment for this free newsletter - we need your short (140 characters or 2 lines) answer to this question: "Where are you going to retire, and why should others consider it?" You can reply in the comments, or shoot us an email. 3 copies of "100 Best Retirement Towns" awarded to random responders. Results published in future issue.
    Sock it to us
    Here is another example of an outstanding place to retire that gets overlooked in favor of the "name brands".  The most interesting thing about Ashland is the almost non-stop Oregon Shakespeare Festival. It also has Southern Oregon University and great shopping.
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